Podcasting is a free service which allows anyone that has Internet access to pull audio files (mp3 files sometimes referred to as RSS feeds) from a podcasting website to listen on their computer or personal digital audio player, like an iPod.  The word podcasting is actually derived from a combination of the words broadcasting and iPod.  Podcastings are usually set on a consistent schedule so you can get more “dedicated” listeners.  You can either listen to the podcast live while it is happening or you can download to a portable media player to listen to at your leisure (also referred to as downloading the podcast on demand).

I read in several articles where they stressed you need to have the right good quality equipment and softwares (microphone, headsets, audio recorder software, etc) to ensure your recording is easy to hear and understand.  But, one of the more repeated themes of the articles are how podcastings “allow you to voice your opinions and make an impact”.   It’s free.  Doesn’t cost a lot to start-up, and, right now, podcasting is free from government regulation.   So that means anything goes on a podcast where it be radical views, four-letter words, or sexually explicit material.  Sounds like the sky is the limit.  And you don’t need a license to broadcast your programming, like traditional radio stations do.

Also, it’s probably wise to be somewhat knowledgeable about the subject matter of your podcast and also have a passion for it because I most people can hear insincerity in a person’s voice.  It always builds listener loyalty when you appear like you know what you’re talking about since the listeners will keep coming back if you spark an interest with them.  You can also expand on your knowledge by inviting a friend or two to join you to make it more interesting and and engaging.  Also, can help the nervousness or “stage fright” of doing it alone for the first time.  And, like one of the articles said, “don’t be afraid to add humor and goofiness” to your podcast “because people love that”.

There are podcast feeds that you can subscribe to as well, but you’ll need a podcatcher software (the most popular which is iTunes) to be able to download these feeds.  That’s the freedom of podcasts.  You can listen to your podcast of choice any time and any place you want to.

Podcasting is also a great way to promote a business and promote its products and services.  No longer can you just have text or images on a blog.  You can have a human voice speaking to listeners which is a “more effective way to gain customers and potential clients’ loyalty”. “Podcasting adds a human voice and a distinct personality that builds listener loyalty”, and is also “inexpensive, easy to create and convenient”.  All that I read in the benefits of businesses having podcasts makes me think the company I work for could really start using such a technology to help sales and bring in new business.

All in all, I am more interested in podcasting now than I was before I read all of these articles, and it definitely sounds like it can be a lot of fun if you pick something that you’ll never get tired of discussing.  For me, that would probably be something music related, but I’m hoping now that it opens a brand new world to me in the field of web design.


